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Square Foot Gardening: Update 5

Well things are kind of taking off here! We harvested all of our radishes, which wasn’t very many. We may replant for more.

Our beets are sparse and slow, maybe it’s just been too hot for them. Our carrots, however, are doing well. We’re just waiting to see them popping out of the dirt before we pick them!

You can probably see the rogue tomato plants popping up from where tomatoes dropped last year.

Beans and cucumbers are really starting to take off as well! Some of our corn though, got nice and battered during some recent thunderstorms that brought hail with it.

Our tomato plants from seeds didn’t do so well, so we plucked a few of the rogue plants and put them in a planter with our pepper plants.

I’m most excited about our snap peas! Those are doing really well. We have a few that are dying and need to be cut out so the healthy plants can thrive, but oh how lovely it is to go and eat a snap pea fresh off the vine!

How is your garden faring so far this year?

Happy growing!



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